Construction blocks Building Bricks
Building blocks Bricks
Newly created product category is building blocks for kids for ages over 2 years.Building blocks with dimensions of 31 x 15 cm is a real craze! Kids can build themselves a house to play in. In this category we distinguish two sets, one of them contains 33 elements shaped like a brick, and the second set is enriched with 2 wheels, which will allow you to build a running vehicle. Blocks have been made of play-safe plastic, so kids can build outdoors. Constructions from such large elements are solid and durable. Such a set of blocks will always be an apt gift for both boys and girls. Kids like to have their own place to play, which they can share with a friend or colleague, building blocks will enable them to construct such a place themselves. The color scheme of the building blocks arouses the interest of little kids right from the start. Double the satisfaction of one set of blocks, kids in the first place they enjoy the fact that they are building a house to enter, and in the second place they begin to create their own story of play.
Educational play is the best way to develop a toddler at such a young age. Toddlers playing, creating with blocks, first of all develop imagination, build what they think about. Playing with blocks supports the development of little hands!
Marioinex is a company with traditions and a mission. Marioinex creates not only construction blocks, but also other toys, the common feature of which is that they are created with passion, heart and great precision. They are blocks, which have exceptional workmanship, beautiful colors and design.The mission of this company is to help kidsom in their development. Playing with them increases spatial imagination, promotes motor coordination, manual skills and creativity.

Building blocks Bricks 33 el.

Building blocks Bricks with wheels 30 el.