Choice of blocks for kids by age
Toys for everyone
Blocks is a special group of toys that is loved by kids of all ages. Combining a variety of elements and erecting structures is an engaging form of play that never gets boring - no wonder both boys and girls reach for blocks. On the website of our store you will find a wide selection of building blocks, from zabawek konstrukcyjnych, to eductional blocks for kids. Individual sets contain diverse elements with different shapes and combinations, which allow you to create both simple buildings and complex constructions in the form of vehicles, animals or dinosaurs. It is important that the chosen toy is not only adapted to the preferences of our toddler, but also to his age. Of course, in addition to blocks, you can also find other toys such as tablica magnetycznaBlocks and the age of the child
Blocks found in our offer are divided into age categories, so you can easily find interesting toy models. The age of the child is one of the key factors when it comes to choosing the right blocks. Among other things, this factor is related to the stage of development of the child, as well as safety. Blocks dla małych kids differ in many respects from the blocks dedicated to kidsom school-aged children - these toys usually have a small number of elements, the size and shape of which prevent the toddler from swallowing them. Older kids, on the other hand, know very well how to use toys, as well as have specific skills that allow them to create even complex constructions on their own, so it is worth ensuring that the chosen model of building blocks realizes their needs. Following the age criterion is especially important when choosing eductional blocks for our kid - the choice of toy should be fully adapted to the child's knowledge and skills. Blocks with too exorbitant level of difficulty can effectively discourage the toddler from further play, and vice versa - too low a level of difficulty will make the toy quickly put away. If you have any doubts when choosing our products, we offer you assistance and professional advice.If there is a toy that all kids - regardless of age or gender - like to play with, it will definitely be blocks! However, it is important to adjust the level of difficulty of stacking and other additional features of the blocks to the current abilities and preferences of toddlers. That's why we have prepared a practical category in which all the blocks for kids we offer are divided by age key. It is thanks to this that anyone who is looking for pomysłu na prezent dla 6 latka will easily find in our store plastic blocks perfectly suited to his needs. Likewise, if someone needs zabawki dla 4 latka - he can also quickly and conveniently reach the most suitable ones with us. One thing is certain, no matter into whose hands the creative toys we offer will end up, in each case they are products that have been checked from every angle, and are therefore 100% safe for any young lover of creative play. We invite you to take advantage of the offer, we also provide expert advice on selection.

Morphun 24 Animals 252 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun 10 Vehicles 251 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun 8 Models 20 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun 4 Vehicles 64 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun 12 Vehicles 150 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun 12 Vehicles 140 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Constructions 200 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Vehicles 280 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Vehicles 300 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Junior 500 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Junior Instructions 60 pp A4

Morphun Spaceships 334 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Junior Xtra Instructions 36 pp A4

Morphun 7 Robots 80 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Dinosaurs 100 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Crocodiles and gears 251 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Motorcycles 360 el. - Construction blocks

Morphun Advanced 60 p. A4 instructions

Morphun Junior 1000 el. - Construction blocks

Little Architect - Build a Picture 900 el. Construction blocks

Eductional blocks Little Architect - Letters and Numbers 630 el.

Wyjątkowe zwierzaki - Klocki Obludarium 62 el.