Blocks for a two-year-old
Educational toys for a two-year-old
A two-year-old kid learns about the world according to his own criteria. Many times he uses all his senses at once. Touch, of course, plays a very important role here, but eye-hand coordination should also be developed. It should also not be forgotten that creating one's own building builds high self-esteem-so important in development. Therefore, the choice of building blocks is not easy. It is advisable to check both types of blocks, so that kid can choose for itself which of them it will play with. Moreover, if we will have two types, we can interchangeably make them available for the toddler to play with, stimulating different aspects of his development. It is important that the choice should always fall on proven and safe brands.

Large blocks spatial - Dominoes 40 el. - New

Construction blocks Mobilo 86 el.

Construction blocks Meli Maxi 50 el.

Meli Maxi Block Set - 100 pcs.

Meli Maxi Blocks Set - 200 pcs

Meli Maxi Pink Building Blocks Set - 200 pcs

Meli Maxi Pink Block Set - 100 pcs

Meli Maxi Pink Block Set - 50 pcs

Meli Maxi Edu Construction Blocks - 400 pcs

Meli Maxi Edu Construction Blocks - 700 pcs.

Morphun Junior Gearphun Instructions 40 pp A4

Meli Maxi Travel Box Construction Blocks - 110 pcs.

Meli Maxi Pink Travel Box Construction Blocks - 110 pcs.

Blocks Meli Maxi Travel Box 230 el.

Meli Maxi Pink Travel Box Construction Blocks - 230 pcs.

Blocks Elfiki Eco Sorter Magic figures 5 el.

Blocks Elfiki Eco Kid Cars 3 pcs.

Waffer blocks in a box of 170 el.

Waffer blocks Mix in a box of 200 el.
Blocks for a 2-year-old is a toy that can work wonders. Construction blocks can occupy for a long time kids, which in this way learn patience and focus their attention for an increasingly long time. Blocks require a lot of attention, so during play toddlers train their patience. It is worth investing in the purchase of building blocks, if a parent sees that kid quickly gets frustrated when playing with other toys. Blocks wonderfully calms, develops imagination and allows you to create buildings according to your own ideas. When choosing blocks for kids 2-year-olds should also focus on safety and choose blocks with larger elements. Blocks can not be too small, as there is a risk of swallowing or choking. Deciding, to buy building blocks should pay attention to the markings for which age group they are dedicated blocks. You should not make a choice ?in advance? and not buy for older kids. This will only cause frustration and unnecessary angst about something going wrong. It is worth trusting the labels placed on products by manufacturers.
Once we decide to buy building blocks for our 2-year-old child, it will be good if we take into account what interests our kid. We will then create a great space for creating a farm for animals, a castle for princesses or a racetrack for little cars or at least a train station if we have a train lover at home. A two-year-old certainly begins to exercise the so-called small motor skills, dexterity of hands and fingers.