Blocks Morphun Advanced
Every parent wants his kid to develop as well as possible and improve his abilities. Today, attention is paid to this, from the earliest years of a child choosing toys that will provide not only entertainment, but also learning practical skills. An excellent example of this type of accessories are eductional blocks, which combine pleasure with usefulness. All kinds of construction blocks promote the development of manual skills and effectively stimulate the child's imagination.
Thanks to the large number of small pieces and the wide possibility of combining them, you provide the toddler not only a lot of pleasure, but also take care of his education. Recently, blocks morphun has become increasingly popular, which, thanks to the use of original ways of matching individual parts and their attractive shapes, have won the hearts of many kids. Morphun Advanced is blocks for a 5 year old, although they can provide fun for a much older audience as well. Every kid should get acquainted with this beneficial toy as soon as possible!
Advanced Morphun - how these blocks differ from the others ?
Construction blocks morphun Advanced types are recommended for kids over 5 years of age and contain smaller connectors. Blocks These are designed for older kids and more advanced builders. The instructions in the kits are tailored to the recommended age of the child and will be a great initial inspiration. The possibilities for constructing with these types of sets are endless, so kid familiarizing yourself with the blocks will only initially glance at the instructions.
Let's give kidsom the opportunity to develop its imagination and create its own story of fun. The basic structural plastic blocks (squares, triangles and circles) are the same size in all sets. The difference lies in the way the individual blocks are connected to each other. The side of each square and triangle is 3 cm - the diameter of the circle is 5.5.

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