Product description
Magpad toys are uncommon educational magnetic blocks appearing in the form of magnetic boards with distinctive holes. The set comes with a number of balls together with a stylus, which allow to obtain various compositions and images. With the stylus it is possible to place the balls in the holes located on the board, thus creating any shape. The final effect depends primarily on the creativity of our kid. Connecting successive balls together kid successively trains his imagination, as well as develops graphic skills. After the game is over, all he needs to do is squeeze the balls from the center of the board, so that its surface returns to its original form.
Magpad boards are not only an interesting toy for small artists, but can also perform a teaching function. Blocks in mathematics education have an invaluable role, so it is worth using them as an effective learning tool. With the help of magnetic boards kid can successfully learn to write numbers and perform simple operations. Using eductional blocks for a 4 year old for this purpose, we can make learning for kid accessible and even enjoyable. Solving simple math puzzles and memorizing numbers can provide our kid with a lot of fun. Learning does not have to be boring at all - it just needs to be given in the right form.
Magpad boards are available in three color versions: black, red and blue. The set takes a magnetic stylus, 714 balls and 10 illustrated instructions with templates. The unique MagPad magnetic whiteboards for kids. Securely positioned balls allow the child to create with the included stylus - beautiful pictures and compositions from small shiny balls. Magnetic boards help in learning the basics of calligraphy and drawing. They develop manual skills and creative thinking. Each board contains as many as 714 balls located in a durable base. Kid with the help of a stylus "draws" pictures from the balls. It is also very easy to change the drawing - simply by pressing the balls inside. In addition, each board comes with sample instructions. MagPad boards are made of durable and safe plastic. The black, red or blue board is great fun for kids from the age of three.
MagPad magnetic whiteboard
Whatever the magnetic stylus, your pen and magnetic balls in your table!
Engage your imagination and draw shapes, objects, letters and numbers or be inspired by the included instructions.
When the stylus is on the surface of the board the balls fill the holes and form the desired shapes. Each ball can be easily hidden.
Each composition can be easily erased - by pressing the balls into the center of the board.
Learning is fun and safe, so the MagPad is designed so that the magnetic balls cannot be removed.
Package contents: magnetic stylus, 10 paper instructions with templates.
Number of balls: 714 pieces.
Available colors: black, red
The whole package is made of 100% recycled materials.