Giants 141 el. Construction blocks
- Large safe construction blocks. The set includes large and small blocks and wheels with axles and connecting hooks. Beautiful colors and unique construction qualities. All packed in a cardboard box with label and sample instructions.
Blocks Giants - Large Set 141 el.
Blocks Large - [19.5 cm x 9.5 cm x 8 cm - various colors] - 60 pcs.
Blocks Small - [9.5 cm x 9.5 cm x 8 cm - various colors] - 42 pcs.
Axles with wheels - 10 pcs.
Attachments - 9 pcs.
Stacking blocks develops child's creativity and provides lots of delicious fun.
Blocks The giants do not have sharp edges and are very easy to connect to each other.
Thecolors of the bricks in the sets may differ from those shown in the pictures.
The pictures show sample constructions - the sold set may not allow to build the presented constructions due to the smaller number of elements.